All dogs that are small, medium or intermediate that wish to compete at one of our licenced agility shows must be measured offically by two of our approved measurers before they compete at their first show. A second measurement must be undertaken between 12 and 24 months after the first measure by two different approved measurers.
For all measurements, the IADSA approved measurer must be measuring a dog for the first and only time. The dog in question cannot be owned or part owned by them or any of their family members.
Dogs competing in the large category do not need to be officially measured before competing provided they are obviously large. If you are unsure if your dog is intermediate or large you must book your dog in to be measured before they compete. Dogs that are obviously large will still need to purchase an IADSA record book from a committee member.
If you are entering an IADSA licenced show before your dog has had its official measure, you should enter the dog in the height you feel your dog will be eligible for. Once a competitor arrives at a showground, they must have their dog measured at the first available opportunity to ensure that the height their dog is entered in is correct. The measurement will be taken from the top of the dogs withers while the dog is standing on a flat surface. If the handler has entered the dog in the wrong height category this can be rectified by the show secretary on the day.
To book your dog in to be measured please send an email to [email protected] and our measuring coordinator will arrange an appointment.
Height Categories
Height categories are as follows:

What do I need to do before my dog gets measured?
- You must have an up to date IADSA membership. Please see the ‘Join Us’ section of the website if you need to join/renew your membership.
- If you are already a member and are entering a new dog into competition for the first time outside of renewal time then you must register your dog with IADSA by completing the new dog registration form. This can be found under the ‘Forms & Documents’ section of our website.
- Your dog must be microchipped before the measure takes place. The measurers will scan your dog during the session.
- Your dog must be a minimum of 15 months of age on the day that it has its first official measure.
- If it is your dogs first measure you will have to purchase an IADSA record book. The cost is €2 and the measurers can give you the book on the day of the measure.
- You will have to pay the measuring fee, which is €2, to the measurers on the day. This fee occurs to first and second measures.