29 October, 2024

Committee updates

The IADSA committee has agreed that in order to keep members informed of the work of the committee, we will issue a summary of the outcomes and decisions made at our monthly meetings. Clearly sensitive or confidential issues will not be included, unless they have reached a point appropriate to inclusion in the report. We hope this will help members to receive a clear and concise summary of the current work and the actions agreed.

Summary of committee meeting 11/12/24

1. Information on the IADSA insurance policy was received and discussed

2. The IFCS insurance cover and funding for the tryouts was agreed.

Summary of committee meeting 2/12/24

1. Three new IADSA judges were approved by the committee to join the list of judges.

2. A poll is to be opened for the Charity Show nominations.

3. Proposals from the committee for the AGM were discussed. These proposals will be issued to members in advance of the AGM.

4. The change of process for membership renewal is to be worked on by committee members.

5. It was noted there may be a need for a further meeting in December to complete decisions required.

Summary of committee meeting 4/11/2024

  • Forest Farm Day Tripper Fee: Forest Farm has agreed to a six-month trial (Jan-June 2025) where they will collect day tripper fees as people arrive to the show.
    • Here is the statement from Forest Farm: “From January 2025 – all day trippers and campers must check in at the house on arrival, before entering the campsite. The day trippers facilities fee  is €5 per person per day, capped at €10 per car. Please note that all day trippers and camping fees are payable in cash only. Receipt of payment must be displayed in car windscreen. Many thanks for your co-operation. The McManus family.”
    • IADSA members are encouraged to arrive a few minutes earlier on show days – there will be somebody from Forest Farm ready to take payment (in cash) and issue your receipt so it shouldn’t take long. Please note that campers must also pay on arrival.
  • Shows and Judges 2025:
    • Work is continuing in identifying Judges for the IADSA 2025 shows. Some recent participants in a Judging programme are interested in joining the IADSA judging list. The committee agreed to approve the proposed judges in principle, pending the receipt of documentation regarding age, certificate of judging programme and evidence of grade six competition. 
  • Working Groups; 
    • Measuring – efforts are being made to cost and provide a course for IADSA measurers for 2025.
    • Application form for new Members: If relevant, applicants will be requested to include their grade achieved with any other organisation and dog’s height.
  • IFCS: The committee responded to a request for clarification on nomination of Áine McAnally as link with this committee and IFCS team. It was clarified that the role will encompass the broader definition of team as all involved.
  • Charity Show 2025: A date for this show is to be agreed asap. To allow the committee time to ensure best practice standards exist in the nominated group for the funds raised, it will prepare a list of charities for members to vote on. 
  • Award of Championship Certificate and Rosette at the AGM: It was agreed that if the recipient of the award is not present at the AGM, the presentation will take place at the next  suitable show.  
  • Date & Venue for AGM: Options of date, time, venue, travel, and internet access for members was discussed and will be followed up.

Summary of committee meeting 7/10/2024

● Charity Show Recipients 2024: Meath dog shelter thanked IADSA for their nomination but as they are funded they suggested that it be donated to an unfunded charity. The committee agreed to donate the money to the only other charity nominated by the members, Dog Angels Ireland.

● IFCS: Aine McAnally was appointed by the committee to be the liaison between the committee and the IFCS team. 

● A new container has been purchased by IADSA and sited at Forest Farm. The committee approved costings to fit out the container for equipment storage and to paint the exterior. 

● Documents / procedures scheduled for review: hire of equipment form, membership form, record management / GDPR

● Measuring: IADSA are making enquiries regarding measurer training to support existing measurers and to train new measurers. 

● IADSA shows dates for 2025 have been booked with Forest Farm: Spring show 5/6th April, Summer show 31stMay- June 2nds, Autumn Show 30th – 31st August.